Some customers may come across into this description 12Pet/12Met Pet/35PE when they try to locate the suitable package materials for their products, and they may be confusing what exactly this means, and to clear the doubt, we are going to give a further explanation.
12PET actually means the clear PET film in flexible packaging, and as the most used thickness is 12 microns, so people are customed to short it into PET12 or sometimes 12PET

12Met Pet
In previous post, we explained on met pet film, actually, it is short for metallized polyester film, with most used thickness 12 microns.

PE is usually short for polyethylene film in plastic packaging industry, and with some variants like LDPE (low density polyethylene), LLDPE (Linear low density polyethylene). The thickness for PE film can be adjusted from 30 microns to 200 microns. so 35PE means PE film with thickness 35 microns.

Foil Laminate
So it comes to the foil laminate with these 3 film materials, with each layer function as below.
- PET film 12 microns
- Met PET 12 microns
- PE film 35 mirons

The total thickness for this foil laminate should be 59 microsn, and usually it can be intended for light weight products, such as condiments 5~50 grams, potato chips, etc.
Below pictures shows the roll foil with 12Pet/12Met Pet/35PE foil structure, which is intended for spices for Panama customer.

OK, till here, you should get a good understanding on this foil laminate, and you may read here to understand more on the property for this PET12/VMPET12/LLDPE foi laminate. Remember, just reach us if you have any questions.